Colin Michaels

I was 5 months pregnant with Collin Michael We had the alpha fetal protein test I believe it’s called.. He came back 1-99999999 chance for down syndrome and 1-10 for Spina Bifida so we had to go to a specialist for a special ultrasound and she said “I’m sorry your child does have Spina Bifida and you may want to consider abortion” and left.. After that we had ultrasound every 3 weeks to watch fluid on his brain and growth.. Was pretty scary cause I didn’t know what spina bifida was or what to expect but knew I could never abort. 

All we where told was his spine was outside his back and he had fluid on his brain and he would be small possible he would be wheelchair bound. My pregnancy was stressful not knowing.. So wasn’t able yo enjoy it.. But my biggest crave was blueberry bagels with pimento cheese… hahah. But I didn’t have any major complications till the end. 

Well they said I had to have a c section cause he had a bubble over his spinal cord and they didn’t want it to pop but he almost came vaginaly.. They where taking him a week early so I wouldn’t go in to labor but a week before (4 weeks early) I had a placental abruption and was complete when I got to hospital. 

His full name is Collin Michael Greenhagen. He was 5 pounds even and 19 inches.. I wasn’t able to really see him for a few hours because they have to get his back covered up and couldn’t hold him for 17 days cause he had surgery at 2 days old. So I went just to give him kisses every day. 

I was happy 100% ..I was sooooo in love.. But worried for his future and scared to touch him.. But I was able to feed him and touch him and kiss him while he was on his belly for 17 days so went everyday to give him as many kisses as possible 

To be honest, as he is growing up , Collin is good with the idea of having a disability . I have always made it a positive thing.. Not everyone has a boo boo on their back.. Now he’s good with even surgeries.. He was 3 when he had tethered cord surgery and he just wanted to be out of pain.. He had surgery a few months to do a circumcision and he was happy knowing he would pee better (catheters hurt before) he just be told he’s special… And he is ..he really enjoys walks now that his wheelchair /stroller came in.. Loves being outside.. Totally loved his tablet before it broke (helped him get thru tests) he loves YouTube to look up Minecraft stuff. He loves that he’s special but at the same time just wants to be normal.

Colin Michaels