Carina Ortiz

Hey everyone my name is Carina Ortiz. Since I was born my life has been full of struggles, but I’ve managed to fight them successfully. I can say that I pretty much had a normal childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

In my free time , my hobbies have changed throughout my life, but some of them has always been the same: dancing & listening to music.What inspired me to be a Zumba instructor? Well, when I had the opportunity in 2013 to go to a near gym, and participate in classes not just personal training I started in Zumba. As time passed by, something in my head and heart told me, “I want to be leading classes one day”. Since the day that thought came to mind around 2014, I started my research about becoming an Instructor. In 2016 I went to another gym a bit far away from home to to take the certification. 

My advice for those with Spina Bifida and other disabilities is to never give up on anything . Try as hard as you can to do everything. You should always set big goals in your mind. Write those goals down, read them each and every day. Don’t think a goal is too big for you to conquer. Live one day at a time. 

Living with disabilities,