Author: anna-local

  • Regina Simpson

    Regina Simpson was born with Spina Bifida , Hydrocephalus and has Osteoarthritis. Regina has been writing for Mind Body and Soul Solution for 2 years.

  • TJ Moon

    Tj Moon was born with Cerebral Palsy. He is a published author. His book is called “ he Squeaky Wheelchair“. TJ has been a writer for Mind Body and Soul […]

  • Roxana Dobrica

    Due to a car accident in Italy , Roxana is completely paralyzed from the chest down . Roxana is a model for Lulia Barton Inclusive Agency. Roxana is a mother […]

  • Jamila Gomez

    In Chicago, Ill. I was born Beautiful. That’s what my father named me. At least, that’s how I was brought up to see myself. It didn’t turn out that way, […]

  • Tina Champion

    I am 52 years old and have had Spina Bifida since birth. I used a manual wheelchair up until 3 years ago, but since then, I have had to use […]

  • Hydrocephalus: A Ticking Time Bomb

    You don’t know when, you don’t know how…but, you know it will. Each day goes by, turning into a week, a month…a year. Moments of happiness, moments of sadness and…moments […]

  • Hydrocephalus: Do You Limit Yourself when it comes to Learning?

    Written by Skye Waters  Fear…a driver for most (negative) things in life. It’s certainly blocked me from doing a few things. In fact, had it not been for fear, I […]

  • LeaAnn: TBI and Memory Loss

    TBI and Memory Loss

  • Kacee Barnes

    Hey I’m Kacee Barnes! I was born with Hydrocephalus. What really bothers me, is the fact that there is no cure except surgery. I also hate that I can’t memorize […]

  • Jane Colfer: What is Hydrocephalus?

    Today I’d like to talk to you all about a condition which is known as Hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus is caused by the build up of fluid in the cavities that can […]